What Kind of Father is God?

(This article was published in the 2nd issue of the 2014 Proclaimer)

The SBC of Virginia is tasked with assisting churches in their task of the Great Commission. We are often known for helping churches with stewardship, church planter resources, youth camps, and mission strategies. However, in this article, I want to respond to a personal, relational, and spiritual question: What kind of Father is God?

Across America, we celebrate Father’s Day in June. For some, the word father is painful or even meaningless. Yet it is a sacred trust and responsibility to be a father. The Lord Jesus was radical in referring to Almighty God as Father. Therefore, I hope to be of encouragement to earthly fathers, as well as point all people to our eternal Father.

In the entire Old Testament over thousands of years, God is only referred to as Father seven times. Jesus referred to God as Father seven times in Matthew 6 alone. In His life and in the gospels, He talked about God being our Father over 150 times. He said this is how God wants to relate to you.

God is a CARING FATHER. He is compassionate, loving, gracious, and He cares about you. In fact, He loves you more than you will ever know. He loves you more than you will be able to experience. You can’t even understand how much God loves you because your brain isn’t big enough to handle it. The Bible tells us in Psalm 104, “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who honor Him.” God is caring. God is compassionate.

God is a CONSISTENT FATHER. You can count on Him every time. He never lets you down. He’s always dependable—entirely consistent in who He is. God is worthy of our trust. James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from the Father, who does not change like shifting shadows.” The truth is, earthly fathers are unpredictable. God is a consistent Father. God is not moody. God never has a bad day.

God is a COMPETENT FATHER. He can handle any problem you give Him. Nothing is beyond His ability. Nothing is beyond His resources. The Bible says in Luke 1:37, “For nothing is impossible with God.” Nothing is impossible. He can handle it all because He is competent.

May the earthly fathers in our churches and communities be strengthened as they seek the eternal Father.

To God be the glory!